

Mexico City, Mexico

50Best Accolades
  • No.13 The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2023
  • No.7 Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants 2022

Enrique Olvera has elevated Mexican cuisine to never-before recognised heights without ever losing sight of a culinary history that stretches back thousands of years. His ground-breaking molecular gastronomy has pushed Pujol ever higher among the ranks of tThe World’s 50 Best, winning the award for the Best Restaurant in North America in 2019. The two seven-course tasting menus (‘Corn’ or ‘Sea’) push boundaries but are still defined by ancestral ingredients and techniques. Both menus feature the signature ‘Mole madre, mole nuevo’ dish, a contrast of fresh mole alongside one aged for 1,500 days, served with a basket of warm tortillas. After relocating to a new home in 2017 (within the same Polanco neighbourhood), guests can also book a seat at a taco bar for a special 10-course selection.

Key Information


Tennyson 113, Polanco, Mexico City, 11550